What Is Medium Heat On The Grill (All You Need To Know)

“Grilling is all about controlling the heat. If you can do that, you’re well on your way to making delicious food.”

– Chef John

If you’re new to grilling, one of the first things you’ll need to learn is how to control the heat. After all, grilling is all about cooking with direct heat, so it’s important to know how to adjust the temperature to suit your needs.

One of the most common questions we get asked is “what is medium heat on the grill?”

But don’t worry in this article I will share everything that you need to know about how to find the perfect middle ground when cooking on your grill.

What Is Medium Heat On The Grill – Answer

Medium heat on the grill is around 375 degrees Fahrenheit. This is hot enough to cook most foods, but not so hot that you’ll run into problems with burning or charring.

If you’re cooking with charcoal, you’ll want to wait until the coals have turned white and ashed over before adding your food. For gas grills, preheat the grill to medium before adding your food to the grates.

Once you’ve got the grill nice and hot, it’s time to start cooking!

How to identify Medium Grill Heat?

The following are different ways you can identify if your grill is at medium heat.

1) The Hand Test

This is the most common way to test grill heat. Before adding your food, hold your hand 4-5 inches above the grates. If you can keep it there for 3-4 seconds before needing to pull away, then the grill is at medium heat.

2) The Water Droplet Test

Another way to test grill heat is to drip a few drops of water onto the grates. If the water sizzles and evaporates within 2 seconds, then the grill is at medium heat.

3) The Salt Test

Another way to test grill heat is to sprinkle a bit of salt onto the grates. If the salt starts to turn brown within a minute or so, then the grill is at medium heat.

4) The Bread Test

Another way to test grill heat is to place a piece of bread on the grates. If the bread starts to toast within a minute or so, then the grill is at medium heat.

5) The Match Test

Another way to test grill heat is to hold a match near the grates. If the match ignites within 2 seconds, then the grill is at medium heat.

Once you’ve identified that your grill is at medium heat, it’s time to start cooking!

Tips for Cooking at Medium Grill Heat

The following are some tips to help you cook at medium grill heat:

1) Preheat The Grill

One of the most important tips for cooking at medium grill heat is to make sure you preheat the grill before adding your food. This will help ensure that the food cooks evenly and doesn’t stick to the grates.

2) Use The Right Tools

Another important tip for cooking at medium grill heat is to use the right tools. Make sure you have a pair of tongs, a spatula, and a brush to help you turn and baste the food.

3) Watch The Food Closely

Once you’ve added your food to the grill, make sure you watch it closely. This is especially important if you’re cooking thin cuts of meat like chicken breasts or fish fillets. They can cook quickly at medium heat and you don’t want them to overcook.

4) Use Indirect Heat For Large Cuts Of Meat

If you’re cooking a large cut of meat like a steak or a roast, you’ll want to use indirect heat. This means placing the food on one side of the grill that’s not directly over the coals or flames. This will help prevent the outside from overcooking while the inside cooks to the perfect temperature.

5) Use a Thermometer

One of the best tips for cooking at medium grill heat is to use a thermometer. This will help you know when the food is cooked to the perfect temperature.

chicken should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit, and steak should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit.

By following these tips, you’ll be sure to cook your food perfectly every time!

Why Is Medium Heat Important In Grilling?

Medium heat is important in grilling because it helps to ensure that the food cooks evenly and doesn’t stick to the grates. It also allows the food to cook quickly without overcooking.

When using indirect heat, helps to prevent the outside of the food from overcooking while the inside cooks to the perfect temperature.

Expert Tips and Tricks

The following are some expert tips and tricks for grilling at medium heat:

  • Always preheat your grill before adding your food. This will help ensure that the food cooks evenly and doesn’t stick to the grates.
  • If you’re cooking chicken or fish, make sure to watch it closely as it can cook quickly at medium heat.
  • For large cuts of meat, use indirect heat by placing the food on one side of the grill that’s not directly over the coals or flames.
  • Invest in a good-quality thermometer to help you know when the food is cooked to perfection.

By following these tips, you’ll be sure to grill like a pro!

Safety Tips

The following are some safety tips to keep in mind when grilling at medium heat:

  • Make sure the grill is on a level surface before lighting it.
  • Be careful when using lighter fluid or matches near the grill.
  • Wear long sleeves and gloves to protect your skin from the heat.
  • Keep children and pets away from the grill while it’s lit.
  • Never leave the grill unattended while it’s lit.

By following these safety tips, you can enjoy grilling without any accidents or injuries.


Grilling at medium heat is important because it helps to ensure that the food cooks evenly and doesn’t stick to the grates. It also allows the food to cook quickly without overcooking.

When using indirect heat, helps to prevent the outside of the food from overcooking while the inside cooks to the perfect temperature.

Always preheat your grill before adding your food, and use a thermometer to check for doneness. By following these tips, you’ll be sure to grill like a pro!


What is the best way to preheat a grill?

The best way to preheat a grill is to open the lid and turn all of the burners on high. Then, let the grill heat up for 15-20 minutes before adding your food.

What is the best way to preheat a grill?

The best way to preheat a grill is to open the lid and turn all of the burners on high. Then, let the grill heat up for 15-20 minutes before adding your food.

How do I know when my food is cooked?

The best way to know when your food is cooked is to use a thermometer. Chicken should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit, and steak should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit.

What should I do if my food sticks to the grates?

If your food sticks to the grates, you can try using a grill brush to scrape it off. You can also soak the grates in soapy water for 30 minutes, then scrub them with a brush.

