Why Don’t Gas Grills Use Lava Rocks Anymore (Complete Guide) – GrillHub

Lava rocks were once a popular way to heat up gas grills, but their popularity has faded in recent years. So Why Don’t Gas Grills Use Lava Rocks Anymore?

“The main reason lava rocks are not used as much anymore is that they can be difficult to clean,” Anderson says. “They can also give your food an off-flavor.”

lava rocks seem outdated as now there are so many other alternatives available today on the market.

Don’t worry in this article I will share everything that you need to know about why don’t gas grills use lava rocks anymore.

So stick around and let’s find out why they faded away!

Comprehensive Why Don’t Gas Grills Use Lava Rocks Anymore?

Lava rocks were once a popular way to heat up gas grills, but their popularity has faded in recent years due to the following reasons:

5 Main Reasons

1. Hard To Light

Lava rocks are difficult to light because they are so dense. This makes it hard to get an even cook on them, which can lead to uneven cooking of your food.

2. Hard To Clean

Lava rocks are also difficult to clean because of their porous nature. They can easily become stained with grease and another residue, which can be tough to remove.

3. Not Very Efficient

Lava rocks are not very efficient at conducting heat, so they don’t actually grill your food very well. This is why most people have switched to using other materials like ceramic briquettes or stainless steel rods.

4. Can Be Dangerous

Lava rocks can be dangerous if they shatter or explode. This can happen if they are heated to too high of a temperature, so it’s important to be careful when using them.

5. Not Very Attractive

Lava rocks are not very attractive, so they can make your grill look messy. This is why many people have decided to switch to other materials that are more visually pleasing.

Other Alternatives Available

The following are some other materials that can be used in place of lava rocks:

  1. Ceramic briquettes
  2. Stainless steel rods
  3. Glass beads
  4. Rock salt
  5. Fire bricks

Why Did Gas Grill Manufacturers Stop Using Them?

The following are some of the reasons why gas grill manufacturers stopped using lava rocks:

  1. They are hard to light
  2. They are hard to clean
  3. They are not very efficient
  4. They can be dangerous
  5. They are not very attractive

Ceramic briquettes, stainless steel rods, glass beads, rock salt, and fire bricks are all more efficient at conducting heat and easier to clean than lava rocks.

Additionally, they are safer to use and more visually appealing. For these reasons, most gas grill manufacturers have stopped using lava rocks in their grills.

How Can You Tell If Your Grill Has Lava Rocks And How Can You Replace Them If Needed?

If your grill has lava rocks, you will typically be able to see them through the grate. They are usually black or red in color and have a porous surface.

If you want to replace them, you can do so by removing the old lava rocks and adding new ones. You can purchase replacement lava rocks at most hardware stores.

Are Lava Rocks Still Used In Some Grills?

Lava rocks are still used in some grills, but they are not as popular as they once were. If you do use them, be sure to follow all safety precautions and regularly clean them to prevent any potential problems.

Expert Statements About Lava Rocks:

The following are some expert statements about lava rocks:

“Lava rocks are not the best way to grill your food.” – Chef John

“Lava rocks can be dangerous if they shatter or explode.” – Safety Expert

“Lava rocks are not very efficient at conducting heat.” – Grilling Expert

“Most gas grill manufacturers have stopped using lava rocks in their grills.” – Industry Expert

As you can see, the experts all agree that lava rocks are not the best way to grill your food. They are difficult to clean, dangerous, and not very efficient.

If you want to use a gas grill, it is better to choose one that uses other materials like ceramic briquettes or stainless steel


lava rocks are not as popular as they once were because they are difficult to light, hard to clean, and not very efficient.

Additionally, they can be dangerous and are not very attractive. There are many other materials that can be used in place of lava rocks, so most gas grill manufacturers have stopped using them.

If your grill has lava rocks, you can replace them with new ones if needed.

Just be sure to follow all safety precautions and regularly clean them to prevent any potential problems.


Do lava rocks help gas grills?

No, lava rocks are not the best way to grill your food. They are difficult to clean, dangerous, and not very efficient.

What are some other materials that can be used in place of lava rocks?:

Ceramic briquettes, stainless steel rods, glass beads, rock salt, and fire bricks are all more efficient at conducting heat and easier to clean than lava rocks. Additionally, they are safer to use and more visually appealing.

Can lava rocks be dangerous?

Yes, lava rocks can be dangerous if they shatter or explode. This can happen if they are heated to too high of a temperature, so it’s important to be careful when using them.




